Thursday, May 24, 2012

A recent trip to the lake

Kix, the luckiest dog in the world. 

Kasey, newly 2 years old

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

AS I was riding my bike after work on this beautiful spring evening, I realized I needed to blog more! I am currently looking for a new photo checklist for spring/summer so, keep checking back!

This weekend, my husband and I traveled back to Pennsylvania to attend my best friends wedding. It was a beautiful weekend in New Hope and Here are some pictures of the celebration. Congrats Deanna and Erik!

The bridge over the Delaware River. Lovely location for a wedding!

the hubs and I

the almost married having a moment

these turned out beautiful!

I was proud to be a groomswoman in the wedding. Since I have known the groom since we were young kids, it felt right to represent his side of the wedding...

simply beautiful!

my fellow ladies


Erik and I

Erik and Deanna had a sky lantern lighting ceremony in remembrance of her father. Very unique and special!

dancing the night away! 

Where it all took place

Baby Rosalie, one of my best friends new baby girl

My loves: my Godson Sawyer and Rosalie