Friday, November 22, 2013

Hanging out

A snapshot into the last two weeks :

The dog cage, a new obsession

"More snow, Mom!"

Still not a fan

Friday, November 8, 2013

10 months TODAY!

To my little man -

Time has been a  thief! How are we only 2 months away from a year! The past month went extra fast, as you you were sick for most of it!

  • You are 21.5. lbs
  • You had your first major sickness since having RSV back at 3 weeks. A sinus infection sneaked up on us VERY quickly and two days later, turned into Croup. It took you at least 2 weeks to get over it all. Now, we moved onto fluid in your ears! Momma's tough boy! You were a trooper in all 4 doctors visits!
  • FIRST WORD!!! MAMA!!! 
  • You are scooting faster and faster and a couple times, I have seen you ALMOST crawl! Come on little man!
  • We had to get our first baby gate. You decided to finger paint Mommy a picture on the hallway floor, with paint Mommy thought was dry in paint tray. Thankfully, all you ruined was a pair of your jammies...and a ball....
  • You LOVE rolling your toys on the hardwood and chasing them
  • Eating more and more diced up food with your fingers. You like all your veggies again and your really like the pureness that Gerber makes in the little pouches. You eat a mix baby food, regular people food, and still some of my pureed food I made you. 
  • You are going through an "I hate all people except Mom and Dad " phase.
  • You love watching and playing with your dogs! 
  • You have 8 teeth!!!
We love you handsome man!

Drooling, drooling, drooling

needed some toys to keep your attention today!

blowing your lips and spitting...I think Daddy taught you this!

notice the white paint?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Being a stay at home Mommy...

When i made the decision to be a stay at home Mommy for Easton, I agonized a long time about it. I think I have finally gotten to the point where I accept and LOVE my decision. There is so much of this child that I will never get back - and I get to experience it everyday!

Watching the dogs run last night.... notice the weather- no snow.....

This morning - SNOW! i have been dying to take pictures of him in the snow since last year and I finally got the chance. Easton wasn't too sure and he just sat there, not moving legs or hands or anything!

How could I not love my decision to stay home? I will be forever grateful we could afford this opportunity!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween with the little elephant!

I decided to do some costume pictures the day before Halloween. With Easton having a sinus infection and croup, there was a chance he may not have been happy on Halloween night!

Love this costume!

Halloween Day- we went to our first story time at the library, complete with trick or treating! He did pretty good!

Hanging out at home before "trick or treating" - driving around to a few select homes!

it has a tail!

family love!

this is how we trick or treat with a baby 

Eating a present from our friend Pam 

Playing with his cousins at Nana's house

Even Mom has to have a little fun in the leaves!

First major holiday of the season, done!