Tuesday, October 14, 2014

And i am back!

It has been a couple months since i got to jot down some notes about our life and post some pics. It has been busy with a vacation, my husband farming(and working) and a special surprise ;-)

At the end of August, we traveled back to Pennsylvania for a vacation and time with my family and friends.

Hanging out in Grandma's yard - his favorite

eating breakfast outside (it was a very HOT trip!)

Playground with Grandma

playing with his Uncle Gary's old cars

 taking my baby to my favorite place on earth!

Easton was not a huge fan of the beach - until the third day(not that you can tell from this pictre). He wouldn't take his shoes off, was scared of the water and wouldn't walk on the sand.

Bike rides!

Our hotel had a beautiful pool - with a  bar! We spent all out time in the 1 foot kiddie pool.

His first carousel ride - he was not impressed!

Playing my favorite game - skee ball!

Taking Easton to the playground i used to play at the beach. Although this cool structure was not here all those years ago!

finally walking around!

Meeting his cousin Nixon and Aunt Jess for the first time

best part of mom's house - the cat next door that he kept luring into our yard

some of my favorite ladies!

Getting ready for Halloween! Love his little grin!

So how has Easton been doing? He is so very smart! His favorite things are puzzles and books. We do these two things all day long! He recently got into the Flip a Flap books which is fun for him to do on his own. He can put all his puzzles together in seconds. Santa is bring him some giant jig saw puzzles for Christmas ;-)

He loves to follow routines and has recently started changing up his nap schedule a bit - which
is driving both him and I nuts! He loves to "help " me around the house and his dogs are still his best friends! On more than one occasion i have caught him hand feeding the dogs - wherever they may be in the house. I have to remember to keep the dog food and the kid separated!

Pumpkin Patch fun!

(yes, we took this poor, sad corn cob home with us)

And another reason this blog post as well as my photo project have been behind...yep, that's right! Baby #2 is coming this spring! I keep thinking this one is girl because I have been much sicker this time around. And way more exhausted but we will blame that on the toddler! Needless to say, we are all very excited!