Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fun with leaves

This season just seems more special this year as we celebrate fall with a new little one! As a stay at home mommy now, I am having more time to take Easton outside to get some fresh air ( hello sickness!) and play in the leaves. I can honestly say that last year, I didn't even take the time to notice if we had leaves in our new yard! 10 minutes outside gave me the cutest pictures and you can see how much Easton loves being out!

"If Mommy isn't looking right at me, can I eat one?"

Little sicky boy :(

Baby fangs, I have learned to adore them!


Those cheeks!

Watching his furry sisters!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

9 months and counting...

9 months has arrived! With the rush of the holidays, we will be turning 1 year before I know it!

  • current height and weight : 20lbs 12 oz and 29 3/4 in. You are getting TALL!
  • 5 teeth (with the two front teeth just barley breaking through, so let's say 7 teeth )
  • You are so vocal! I have found you yelling talking to the stuffed animal in your crib and you love to "talk" to the dogs. You are saying ba-ba, I think. You can hold a whole conversation with yourself in the car!
  • You also love feeding the dogs from your high chair and you are so obvious about it!
  • Still taking three naps a day, hence why you are growing so tall!
  • You are eating more diced up foods. You still LOVE food.
  • No crawling yet but you have mastered the army crawl. It is quite funny to watch!
  • 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • You have started clapping toys together in your hands and you love when I move your hands to play patty- cake
  • You are ticklish and Daddy and I love making you laugh by tickling your belly or your thighs :)
  • You have a ton of expressions and the best personality! ( Though you can be a bit cranky/whiny at times)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

I feel like I need to start this post with the greeting given at addiction meetings: "Hello, my name is Kristie and I am obsessed with taking pictures!".
This morning, despite some chillier weather, we headed to the local pumpkin patch.
Easton has his own little pumpkin

Trying to get a smile out of him! Such a serious boy this morning!

Everything. Into. The. Mouth!

So many to choose from!

My favorite!! Love my boys!

What did i tell you? Eating hay

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Evening photo fun

Taking some more fun pictures of my NEW 9 month old! ( Weight and details post to come next week after his doctors appointment!)