Monday, December 14, 2015

The start of the holidays...

I hosted my Thanksgiving this year for my sister, her boyfriend, my brother and sister in law and of course, my little family.

And the computer added them up in their own order, so here is also some snow fun (it has literally been 60 degrees here for weeks!), getting our tree, St. Nick leaving presents, and seeing Santa!

7 months old

Drew is 7 1/2 months old- already! At his 6 month check up in the middle of November, he hit all his physical 9 month milestones " rolling, sitting up, crawling, walking behind toys!! He loves to "chase" Easton around the house and he puts absolutely everything in his mouth! He is not sleeping the night again and we will just leave it at that. He is very ticklish and loves to laugh. Still LOVES to eat, just like big brother at this age!

love this one!