Monday, August 31, 2015

4 months

In the blink of an eye, Drew is 4 months old!

  • Got his first cold at the end of last week (Easton and I got it too)
  • Loves to roll over. As in, he rolls and moves everywhere. He has started putting himself in the plank position, forearms on the ground, belly off the ground and on his toes. I don't want to see him start crawling!
  • Size 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
  • We call him Mr. Personality- he LOVES smiling!
  • loves watching big brother and the dogs
  • Has started rice cereal from a spoon. Heading towards some real food soon!
  • Loves to stand up handing your hands
  • Takes all naps in his crib, with just a little snuggling to fall asleep.

Evenings outside...

Drew can hold his head up just fine. But as soon as he is put in the Bumbo chair, he resorts to this pose....

Evening swims for E...

Mr. Handsome baby!

Still need to take his 4 month picture with the sticker..oops! Darn sickness!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

July and Drew is 3 months old

We have been spending our summer mostly at home. Easton loves being outside riding his four wheeler, swinging or just exploring.  Or his new favorite, playing games on the Ipad. We limit that one, a lot! He has also been helping Daddy set water for his crops in the evening. Daddy and son bonding time!

Little Drew is now 3 months old! He is rolling over- both ways! (I called him an overachiever but he doesn't roll every time we lay him down yet.) Sleeping through the night in his crib, laughing and cooing, and grabbing toys are other milestones he has conquered. He loves to watch Easton and in turn, Easton loves his brother. Hugs him, "pets" him, shows him books, etc...

The computer decided to put these in a random order so here is some backyard fun, Drew's first lake visit, Drew trying out the bouncer and rolling over....