Tuesday, January 29, 2013

He may be suffering from his first cold but how handsome is he while doing it? 3 weeks old today!

Monday, January 28, 2013

A little flurry action on Monday!

Kasey would rather snooze by the window.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

This weekend was a random 60 degree weather weekend! In January! Easton and I needed out of the house so we took a family walk at the lake.

So content in his stroller

Waaayyyy down there is the ice covered lake.

crazy dogs!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Spending Friday with my babe!

He does more than sleep, I swear! But I will take his sleepy cuddles as long as I can! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

After a more trying day than usual with my little man, this sunset was a beautiful sight.

Monday, January 21, 2013

sweet innocent baby dreams...does it get any better?

How is it possible Easton is 13 days old?! Sigh! Here are some pictures of his last week :

Kix is guarding him :)

Precious baby fingers. Jeremy and I are memorized when he grips our fingers!

Swaddling the dog

Love this sleepy face. And he is quite the poser!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


How do I have a one week old?!?! Took Easton to the doctor's for his first appointment. He is, of course, perfect :) Low percentile for weight and height but he is still supposed to be the womb! And our little man is back up to his birth weight!

Things I/We have learned this week as first time parents:
*You do not actually need sleep to survive function- and he actually does pretty well compared to most babies!

* The yellow line on diapers that turns blue when wet? Not always accurate.

* Mommy is usually right when reminding daddy to "cover it up" when changing him. Daddy got the first pee fountain!

* Spending hours staring at one object? When it is your baby, it is all ok! (and encouraged!)

* You can never take too many pictures.

* It's true. Daddies do not always hear the baby cry at night. Mom, every whimper has me putting my head in the bassinet!

*It is ok to already lecture your child that you will hit the first girl that breaks his precious heart!

* Your life never really truly begins until you have a life of your own!

One week old Easton- and first time wearing pants! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sleeping beauty!

The story of Easton!


Well, this time I have a good reason for getting behind on my picture a day/ #projectlife365...Yes, that is right, Easton Patrick has arrived! Here is his story!

Tuesday January 8, 2013 - After pain/discomfort/cramping for three days, I decided it was time to call labor and delivery and get checked out. I expected to go in and be told to go home. After Jeremy and I got the hospital at 5:30 PM, it was decided I was having contractions, my water would break soon (which was not wanted due to a footling breech baby), and it would be best if we stayed- and had the baby now! I was prepped for surgery and our beautiful blessing arrived by cesarean section at 9:10 PM. Despite being born at 36 weeks and 5 days, out little man passed every health test and was easily the cutest baby in the hospital! (biased, nope!)

Here is his beginning in pictures!

Easton Patrick Becker 
6 lbs, 9 ounces 
19 ounces long

Hating his first bath! Thanks daddy for taking all these pictures while Mommy was in recovery.

2 hours after birth, I get to hold the love of my life!

Proud papa

Proud Mommy!

He only sleeps with his hands up!

Big as a washcloth :)

Going home outfit. Appropriate fort he snow but he could not wear pants home. He is a tiny boy!

Sitting in front of the snowy window at the hospital.

The most beautiful face in the world!

Trying on some dinosaur jammies...also, too big 

Love this picture of my little man!

Car ride home from the hospital. Let the adventure begin!

As you can tell ,we are in love with this little man and could not imagine a time without him! We are wrapped  around his tiny fingers- and toes- and are looking forward to this new chapter in our lives! Here's to you, Easton Patrick!

Monday, January 7, 2013


sorry for the bad cell picture but this is all I got today! Watching Glee with my feet up!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


#still_life #projectlife365

Hospital bag mostly packed....waiting.....

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Deciding to mix a little Project Life 365 into my daily pictures. Today was actually on target!

 A typical Saturday morning at our house.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Cutest baby hat! Already packed into the hospital bag!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I obviously did not take these pictures but I love them!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just seeing if I can add pictures from my phone via Instagram....which i can :) Happy Birthday baby Kixxie!

Well, I am starting on time! First picture of the new year, a frosty morning in Nebraska.