Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Here is a peek into our last couple of days. Easton is 11 weeks old, almost a 3 monther! I think I have taken enough pictures of him that compares to what some people take of their child in a year...Oh well!

He finally made eye contact with himself - and my camera- in the mirror of his play gym

This child does not enjoy bath time, can you tell ?

squishy baby toes!

Jamming out to Dancing with the Stars

 " mom, get the baby away from me..." -Kix

I never thought my child would be a blue eyed wonder. Aren't his eyes to die for? I first wished for them to turn brown like mine but now, I want them to stay this clear blue!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Anyone that knows me knows that my two dogs are my obsession. Well, it has been hard sharing the love between them and Easton. They think they are still number 1! And while they love the baby, I am pretty sure they hope we take him away and never bring him back! But since he is here, they enjoy laying with him, stepping over him (while Mommy and Daddy scream at them to not step on the baby!), licking him and waiting for the day he eats solid food that they can steal from him :) Here is Easton with his first friends, Kix and Kasey.

Kix, how close can she sit to the baby before we push her away......

Kix wanted to sit up for camera, she loves to pose :) Hence, a blurry picture

Oh Kixxie!

Kasey and Easton. Daddy will love this one!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

 How grown up do we look here /!?!? !0 weeks old and watching TV :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some phone pictures of the little one. He is growing so fast and amazes us more everyday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St Patty's Day!

Daddy and Easton

Mommy and Easton


"Mom, Stop!"

All decked in green :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A letter to Easton.....

My little man- You are now 2 months old! (9 weeks to be exact). You survived your first shots at the doctors, although it broke Mommy's heart to see you in pain. You are moving around so much more and you love to smile and coo! You recently decided your baby gym was enjoyable and you wave your little fists at it when the lights and music are on.  You began grasping blankets and toys put in your hands. I went back to work this week and even though it is only going to be a couple days a week, I miss you TERRIBLY during the day! And most important of all, you have slept through the night a couple times now  (Mommy and Daddy were very excited about the extra sleep!) You are growing into your personality and I cannot wait to see what the next few months bring! (While keeping you little, of course!)

Love you always, Mommy

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I have always loved the month of March: St. Patty's Day is one of my favorite holidays, my birthday, and the start of spring. I now have a new reason to be in love this month- Easton started smiling at us! Prior to this he like to smile when he was sleeping/pooping or staring at the wall. It is an amazing feeling having your child smile at you in the morning and laugh when you tickle their belly! He is growing up so fast, too fast!
He loves to move!

Well worth that c-section :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013