Friday, February 21, 2014

Here is what we have been up to in the last couple weeks:

Some morning crib shenanigans!

A warm day meant some fresh air! 

Easton's first sled ride! While he never cried, he just sat with the same expression. the. whole. time. We are taking that to mean he liked it!

On his 13th month milestone, we took Easton to get his first haircut! He had a trim by my sister in law before Xmas but this was the real deal! I, of course, got sad. But we did save a couple little curls!

And notice the remote clutched in his hand? Always!

We met our new friend Rex!

I have been finding it difficult to keep a toddler entertained all day long. Keep in mind, he is surrounded by toys and pets. I think we are ready for spring and outside activities. We headed to a teachers supply store to pick up some new crayons and wooden blocks. I was happy to see they had a play table there of Melissa and Doug toys, which i just LOVE!

We have been trying to catch story time at the library but sadly , morning nap time usually wins! We caught the tail end of it this week and then decided to hang around the children s area. Easton doesn't get to play with other kids very much so its fun for me to watch him interact. He is so passive and just loves to watch the other kids. When a little girl came up and ripped a block out of his hand, he just let her. I am hoping this sweet,  intelligent personality lasts!

Messy lunch time!

In other household news, our furbaby Kasey got spayed yesterday so she is sulking around the house. It is actually quite sad!

Also in other news..... almost fourteen months old and Easton is still only a crawler. No walking yet! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

We are getting ready for another holiday with a kiddo this year! I have started making Easton's Valentine's and he posed (with a bit of a fight) for some pictures for me!

Just in love with him! Cranky days included!

Saturday morning, i dragged the family to the lake to get some pictures in the snow. Good thing we live so close!