Thursday, April 25, 2013

New milestone today -trying rice cereal for the first time. While he did not quite grasp the whole idea of the spoon and food ( well mostly liquid), he did excellent!

Mommy has bed head!

Happy boy! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I am finding it fascinating to watch Easton learn new things. He loves to stand on our legs, holding our hands. Every time we do it, his curiosity gets the best of him and he looks and looks everywhere! (Different view from the floor?) He also loves to try and sit up while he is reclined. The angry looks he gets when he realizes he cannot do what he is trying is a little amusing. He gets the same expression during tummy time- wants to move but cannot figure it out!

Happy birthday Daddy!

No tears in the tub anymore - instead we wait until we are out of the tub!

My little man!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

We  have been hiding indoors here as more snowstorms swept through Nebraska- seriously, where is spring?!?! I have been slacking on taking pictures as I have been sick and Easton has been fighting naps. Hopefully some warm weather will raise the spirits in our house :)

New napping place- we like the swing again!

Loving to hug toys and put them in his mouth now!

This is his "Mom, stop taking my picture face". Get used to it baby boy :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Since moving to Nebraska, I have learned many new things about weather: if you do not like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change, snow can last until May, and there can be 60 degrees and 10 degrees all in the same day. Well, all of the above is true for the last two days! After predicting blizzards three previous times since February, I think we were all surprised by the pounding we took!

Pictures from Tuesday after the snow started Monday night....And the snow is still falling in these pictures

3 ft high drifts in the backyard

Kasey looks like Santa!

The aftermath, Wednesday morning

4 ft high drifts in some spots!

Now I have been dying to get Easton into his snowsuit.... We shall see!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Easton Patrick is 3 months old! Fun facts about my little man:

  •  He recently decided that daytime naps were not for him. As in, Mommy has to snuggle him to get him to sleep during the day. Yikes.... ( although at the moment I got him in his crib and he has been sleeping for 45 minutes there! Let's hope I can get this finished!)
  • However, he sleeps 8-9 hours straight every night. Yay!
  • Still loves his bottle
  • Today, while playing in his gym on his back, I watched him lean to the side and try to roll over! Nothing happened but somebody wants to move!
  • Loves to try to stand up on your legs when we hold hands with him. So cute but yet, once again, he wants to move!
  • Smiles and laughs all the melts my heart every time
  • No doctor visit this month so no weight. But we are guessing he is inching his way up the scales!
  • 3 month clothes are starting to fit normally, on top anyway!

What Up?!?!

Grabbing a toy that makes noise 

3 months old!

tolerating tummy time


Monday, April 1, 2013

This weekend I saw lots of families taking Easter pictures and it amazed me that hardly anyone uses a camera anymore. Everyone is so busy with the smart phones and uploading. Which got me thinking, are we so hooked on social media outlets that our kids will never look back on photo albums of themselves- on paper? I always loved looking back at our old pictures and I enjoy knowing my mom has tons of albums of us as little kids and beyond. I want Easton to have the same so I still take pictures with my camera and scrapbook them in albums. Yes, I participate in the social media outlets as well. But how long will they be around? Or what will they evolve to by the time Easton is older? So here are some pictures of Easton's Easter weekend.

Hanging with Aunt Jennifer

Goofing off :)

The Easter Bunny and Easton...I do not think he ever held a baby before!

Love him to pieces!

Bow- tie!

First Easter basket, just books and a toy

My best buddy!