Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Swim lessons

  Easton has officially started his first class/sport- mommy and me(ok, parent and me) swim lessons at the local YMCA. The class is only 2 weeks (every night of the week!) but it has been quite interesting! Easton, while not truly having a fear of the water, has been so cautious about what he does during class. He is one of oldest in the 6 months-3 year class. They have been working on things like blowing bubbles, kicking, going under water, splashing, hanging on the side, chasing toys,  and jumping in.  Easton is NOT a fan of going under and spent the first couple classes crying after being dunked. We are slowly making progress on that! As for jumping in - he does more of a fall in holding my hands ( and I have been managed to dip his head under when he does lol. He doesn't seem to mind/notice.) And there has been absolutely no blowing bubbles from him! His favorite part? Throwing the balls in the basket at the end of class. That he LOVES and excels at!

One day last week, his third class, Daddy went in with him and i got to take some pictures! (Mom and baby Drew LOVE the warm water of the therapy pool!!!)

And yes, he is the whitest kid in the pool :)