Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 coming to a close

Today I got to take a little time and go back and read through the past year. I am so grateful to have started this to see all of Easton's accomplishments and pictures.

Christmas is rapidly approaching (6 days away!!!) and I am so excited. The house is decorated, the presents are bought, the cookies are getting baked -and eaten! And the forecast is predicting a white Christmas....YAY!!!

First things first - yesterday I hit the halfway mark on this pregnancy and we got to see the baby in an ultrasound. My husband and I took Easton, hoping he would be interested. He was not lol. But we can say we will be adding to the boys in the house with BABY BOY #2 due this spring! Baby is healthy, very active and curled up in there, hands over his little face.
(Yep, those are sweats)

Easton's sibling reveal photo

Tree time! 

Easton's Christmas pictures - he is such a turkey!