Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Something we do not get a lot of around here is family time because my hubs works so hard so that I do not have to at the moment. Sunday night, the 5 of us ( 2 adults, 2 dogs and 1 baby) headed to the lake!

Easton was close to bedtime so he had a very focused look on his face for most of the evening....

What are those doggies doing?


first sand experience

he loves Daddy!

family <3

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A day of celebrations to Daddy!

We started the day with photo time for Daddy and his mini-me.

When Daddy got back from golf ( and before yard work), we had some family pool time....

Kix deciding if she wants in or not. She chooses not too. (wise choice!)

Maybe I can sit  in here....

Kasey going in for the sneak attack....

...and gets kisses all over the baby, yuck!

Evening at Nana and Papa's, swinging

Busy day, fell asleep during the bedtime snack!

First Father's day = success!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Oh my...5!

My sweetest Easton-
       How are you growing so fast! This is a bittersweet journey for Mommy, especially since 5 months old seems like less of a newborn and more of a bigger baby! You have accomplished so much in the last month! You talk and move all the time. You have not quite mastered the rolling from back to front. However you are quite the scooter! In the mornings, you wake yourself up (early) if you have scooted to front of your crib and get your head wedged in the corner. Daddy or I try to put you back before you wake up for good! You are enjoying the sweet potatoes and bananas I have made you as your first foods- and you enjoy them in your high chair! ( I think you like the view from up there!) AS of a couple days ago, you have also started blowing bubbles- especially when food is in your mouth! But since you are cutest baby ever, I let you slide!  We are trying to get you on nap schedule in your crib but sometimes, you think of other things you would rather be doing :)
You are a happy sweet baby with the bluest eyes and I am so excited to experience summer with you!
Love always, Mommy

Today I did E's 5 month pictures in front of our new flowers and landscape- and of course, he loved the camera!

Happy boy!

Mid sneeze, oops!

Later today, as we waited for Daddy to come home, Easton had way too much fun playing with a yard chair. And if you can't tell, he notices the camera and hams it up!

And two extras from yesterday- cute boat shoes and lunch with daddy!