Thursday, February 28, 2013

Easton is now 7 weeks old and he amazes me everyday! He is staying awake longer and loves looking around the room- especially at the light! (What is it with babies and lights!?!?) He only smiles when his eyes are closed but today  I swear I caught a smile! Granted it was directed at the wall/changing table but soon, it will be directed at me :) He will roll from his belly to back occasionally but gets so frustrated when he cannot remember how to do it! Before long, he will be cruising through the house....

Ready to go to Wal-Mart today - his first trip there 

Fitting in his "coming home from the hospital"onesie a little better

Giving the bouncy a try for a minute

The start of a smile and.....


These dogs will not leave him alone... they think the floor is their territory...wait until he is mobile :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Easton is 6 weeks old today! My little man is eating good and staying awake longer during the day. He is turning into a big boy right before our eyes! So at this time, I am thinking ahead to going back to work, wahhhh!!!! I am so sad to think about leaving this little man all day! Lucky for us, we do OK without me working so I am only going back to substitute a couple days a week. I need to put this teaching certificate I worked so hard for to good use- and I actually enjoy doing it! However, in the back of mind I am thinking, What if my babysitter doesn't cuddle him like I do, or burp him like I do...Obsessive, yes? Proud mommy, YES!

Since my last post my family got to come see Easton for the first time! It was a crazy week but it was wonderful! My house seems too quiet without them here!

Here are some pictures of Easton's last week and a half:

Kasey thinks she fits in the boppy....she does not!

Grandma Julie and Easton

too bad what people say, my little man likes to nap on his belly! I am learning as a parent what is right for some kids isn't the best plan for others!

No tears in the tub!! Yay Easton!

I. AM. IN. LOVE!!!

Aunt Jennifer meeting Easton for the first time!

The family on Valentine's Day

3 months clothes...too big! NB clothes...too small... My child looks like a rag muffin some days! :)

Cousin Luna! These two are about 5 1/2 weeks apart, when our due dates were 2 weeks apart!

The faces this child makes!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How did people parent before Google? I think since we have had Easton, we have Googled the most random "should my baby be..." topics! Yesterday's Goggle: When do babies roll over? Because I swear, Easton did! Twice! Granted it could have been a fluke and I could have laid him down heavy on one side but to me, Hey, he rolled over! Did we do it when daddy got home? No. Did we do it when mommy got the video camera? No. Although you can hear me repeatedly saying "Kasey, move!" The dogs were very encouraging! All I got was him struggling and crying = great mom!
But here is my proof, kind of :)


Love his expression!

Focusing so very hard!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Where has time gone! My little man is 4 weeks old! The little cold he had last week turned into RSV and we spent 3 days in the hospital. Mom was a wreck but he did fantastic! Such a trooper getting his vital checks every couple hours.

He looks so little in his big "crib".

Today, I decided to take his one month pictures. I think he is losing his newborn looks and becoming  a to keep him this size forever?????