Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Egg fun

Today, Easton and i tried a new way to " paint" Eggs - a very toddler friendly version! ( thank you Pinterest)

All we (I) did was put shaving cream in aluminum foil tins and put some drops of food coloring in each one. I swirled the shaving cream a little with toothpick to spread out the color. Then, just place the hard boiled egg in and roll around! After letting the egg sit with the shaving cream and color on it for about 15 minutes, I wiped them off with a paper towel. I think they turned out really pretty! And Easton's and I hands are every color under the rainbow, presently.

Rolling in the shaving cream 

Letting them sit - aren't they cool looking like this?!?!?

Finished product!