Monday, April 21, 2014


Hard to believe Easton is celebrating his second Easter!

The blog put these up in a total random order so here goes....
Afternoon at the small local zoo 

blowing bubbles with Aunt Jennifer

The Easter bunny came!

Monday morning random shots in the sun

His "Easter Pictures"


Our first attempt at just coloring eggs with a sharpie

this is how he felt about it!

Easter Sunday picnic. Crawling this way because his knees are raw from continually crawling over the rocks

Ending Easter Sunday with some sand box fun with his cousin 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring has sprung, kind of!

After a horrid, cold winter, spring is slowly sneaking into Nebraska! We have loved being able to be outside and explore! (We are pretending it did not snow again  yesterday!)

Getting outside for a minute today! 

Having a little Easter egg hunt practice last weekend.

Crawling down the sidewalk

passing dirt through the fence to his great grandpa. 

His FAVORITE book!

Being 15 months ....

Since I posted last, Easton has hit the 15 month milestone! And yet again, I am in awe of how fast the time truly does go!

All about 15 months:

  • Easton is weighing in at 24 lbs 15 oz and 31 3/4 inches. He is in  the 75% for both which is great considering he started life on the preemie chart! 
  • He still loves eating! There is not much he doesn't like except for maybe cut up strawberries and hard boiled eggs. ( strawberry yogurt and scrambled eggs are fine!) And he is getting pretty good at stabbing things with his little fork and actually getting them into his mouth.
  • He is still NOT walking which is starting to become a concern for both us and his pediatrician. He scoots along the furniture and can stand on his own but there is not any dancing around or walking alone. We will just keep practicing! (because hey, 25 lbs is a lot to lug around all the time!)
  • In relation to the fact that he is not walking, he fell crawling and chipped his front baby tooth. Yes, I cried and yes, it bothers me more than him! He cut his lip in the process and has a very unique smile now!
  • He is quite the chatterbox but still so serious and just loves to take the world in around him! As of today, when we ask him what a sheep says he says, "baa" and a dog, "woof". He can happily converse with mama, dada, papa, nana, no no, uh oh, doggie, milk, bath, Mickey,cookie, thank you and bye bye. When you ask him to go night night, he immediately lays down. :)
  • He LOVES to point at things, play with his toys, throw balls, look out the window, attempt to get at the dog food/water, swing at the playground,  put his socks away (general laundry help), read his animal book, and crawl on the dogs. He also loves taking daddy's hat off his head!
  • Easton has 10 teeth with number 11 and 12 popping through on the bottom.

Showing off his shiner!  


Weekend trip to Steamboat Colorado. Easton got his first lift pass, which of course, I saved!

The most unattractive picture ever, but the cutest too! He slept like this for almost 2 hours! Passed out on the gondola and then I had to carry him across town the to the condo!